Data Protection and Privacy

Data Protection


Proceed on directly to Cookie Policy section


1 Data protection at a glance 
1.1 General information
The following information provides a simple overview of what happens to your Personal Data when you visit our website.
Personal Data refers to all data with which you may be personally identified.

1.2 Recording of data on our website

Who is responsible for the recording of data on this website? 

We, SWISS KRONO Kft. - Hungary 4800, Vásárosnamény Ipar utca 1., shall be the responsible controller for any Personal Data you provide us with within the context of your visit to the Hungarian section of our website .

In case you proceed on to another LOCAL or the Global section of our SWISS KRONO Group website, the responsible controller shall be the respective operator of the website’s LOCAL/Global section mentioned in the local data protection information and the respective imprint.

How do we record your data? 
One way of collecting your data is that you provide us with it. This may include, e.g., data that you enter into a contact form. 
Other data are automatically recorded by our IT systems when visiting our website. These are, in particular, technical data (e.g. Internet browser, operating system or time when the page is viewed).  The recording of said data is automatically carried out as soon as you enter our website. 

What do we use your data for? 
Part of the data is collected to ensure a flawless operation of the website. Other data may also be used for the analysis of your user behaviour. 


In case you are under 16, you need your parent/guardian’s permission prior to providing us with any of your Personal Data. Persons under the age of 16 are not permitted to provide us with their Personal Data without such consent. 

Which rights do you have regarding your data? 
At any time, you have the right to obtain free information about the origin, recipients and purpose of your stored Personal Data. Furthermore, you have the right to request that said data is corrected, blocked or deleted. In this regard, as well as with respect to any other questions on data protection issues, you may contact us at any time at the address stated in the imprint. Moreover, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

1.3 Analysis tools and third parties tools
When visiting our website, your surfing behaviour may be statistically analysed. This is mainly done by Cookies and so-called analytics programmes. The analysis of your surfing behaviour is generally carried out anonymously; the surfing behaviour cannot be traced back to you. You may object to this analysis or prevent it by not using certain tools. Detailed information in this regard may be found in the following data protection notice. 
You may object to this analysis. You will find information on how to object in this data protection notice.

2 General and compulsory information 
2.1 Data protection

The operators of these pages take the protection of your Personal Data very seriously. We keep your Personal Data confidential and comply with the respective legal data protection requirements as well as this data protection notice. 
When using this website, various Personal Data is collected.
Personal Data refers to data with which you may be personally identified. The present data protection notice explains which data we collect and what we use it for. It also explains how and for which purposes this is done. 
We refer to the fact that online data transfer (e.g. when communicating via email) may be subject to security breaches. A watertight protection of data against third-party access is not possible.

2.2 Information about the responsible controller
The controller responsible for processing of any Personal Data you provide us with within the context of your visit to the Hungarian section of our website is:

Ipar utca 1 
HU - 4800 Vásárosnamény 


The responsible controller is the person or the entity that - alone or collectively - makes decisions regarding the purposes and means of processing Personal Data (e.g. Names, email-addresses, and the like).

2.3 Withdrawal of your consent regarding data processing
Many data processing operations are possible upon explicit consent only. You may withdraw your already given consent at any time. It is sufficient to send us an informal communication via email. The lawfulness of data processing prior to the withdrawal remains unaffected from the withdrawal.

2.4 The right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority
In the event of data protection breaches, the Data Subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

The relevant supervisory authority in Hungary is:

Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság,

NAIH address: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa u. 9-11.,

Postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf.: 9.




2.5 Right to data portability
You have the right that the data, which we process automatically based on your consent or to perform a contract, is issued to either you or a third party in a commonly used and machine-readable format. When you request that the data is directly transferred to another controller, this shall be done only where technically feasible.

2.6 SSL and TLS encryption
This page uses SSL and TLS encryption for safety reasons and to protect the transmission of confident content, such as orders or inquiries that you send to us as website operator. You will be able to recognise a secured connection in that the browser address bar changes from “http://” to “https:” and the lock symbol is shown in your browser bar. 
When the SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data that you will transfer to us, cannot be read by any third party.

2.7 Accessing, blocking, deleting data
Within the scope of the applicable legal provisions, you have - at any time - the right to free access to your stored Personal Data, their origin and recipients and the purpose of data processing as well as a right to said data being corrected, blocked or deleted, where applicable. In this regard, as well as with respect to any other questions on Personal Data, you may contact us at any time at the address stated in the imprint.

2.8 Objection against advertising mails
The use of contact data published within the context of the obligation to provide an imprint to transmit any advertisement and information material which was not explicitly requested is herewith opposed. The operators of the pages explicitly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited mailings of advertisement information, e.g. spam emails.

3. Data protection team 
You may get in direct contact to the data protection team for our company. 

Ipar utca 1 
HU - 4800 Vásárosnamény 

4. Recording of data on our website 
Information about your preferences and interests obtained by the web-tracking or analytics technologies identified in our Cookie Policy, in particular when using our Internet sites and downloadable contents (e.g. when registering for the download of software, e-books, whitepapers), or other online services we offer to you. This is how we collect information about, e.g., which contents you download from our website and which contents you click or view in which manner.

4.1 Cookies
The Internet pages make partially use of so-called cookies. Cookies neither cause any damage to your computer nor do they comprise any computer viruses. Cookies serve the purpose to make our offerings more user-friendly, more effective and safer. Cookies are small text files, which are stored on your computer and your browser. 
Most of the cookies we use are so-called “session cookies.” These are automatically deleted when you end your visit. Other cookies will remain stored on your terminal device until you delete them. These cookies allow us to recognise your browser when you return to our website. 
You can set your browser in a way that you are informed about any cookies being placed and you may allow cookies only on a case-by-case basis, you may accept cookies in special situations or generally deny them or have all cookies automatically deleted when you close the browser. The functionality of this website might get impaired when cookies are disabled. 
Cookies that are required for performing the electronic communication process or to provide certain functionalities that you requested (e.g. shopping cart function) are stored on the basis of GDPR, Art. 6 para. 1 (f). The website operator has a legitimate interest in storing cookies to provide its services in a flawless and optimised manner. Where other cookies (e.g. cookies for the analysis of surfing behaviour) are stored, such cookies are separately referred to in the data protection notice.

4.2 Server log files
The provider of the pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically submits to us.
These include: 
•    Browser type and browser version 
•    Operating system used 
•    Referrer URL 
•    Host name of the accessing computer 
•    Time of the server request 
•    IP address 
Said data is not combined with other data sources. 
Data processing is based on GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (b), which allows for data processing for the performance of a contract or for measures prior to entering into a contract.

4.3 Contact form
When you send us inquiries using the contact form, we store your information in the inquiry form including your contact data provided therein for the purpose of processing the request and for any potential follow-up questions. We shall not transfer said data without your consent. 
Thus, the data entered into the contact form shall be processed subject to your consent only (GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (a)). You may withdraw said consent at any time. It is sufficient to send us a informal communication via email. The lawfulness of data processing operations prior to the withdrawal remains unaffected from the withdrawal. 
The data you entered into the contact form remains with us until you request their deletion, withdraw your consent for the storing of the data or withdraw your consent regarding the purpose of the storing of the data (e.g. once your request has been answered). Statutory provisions - in particular the retention periods - remain unaffected.


4.4 Processing of data (customer and contractual data)
We collect, process and use Personal Data only where it is required to establish the contractual relation, arrange it in terms of content, or change it (inventory data). This is based on GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (b), which allows for data processing for the performance of a contract or for measures prior to entering into a contract. We shall collect, process and use Personal Data regarding the use of our Internet websites (usage data) only where this is required to allow the user to use the service or for billing. 
The collected customer data shall be deleted after completion of the order or after termination of the business relationship. Any statutory retention periods remain unaffected.

5 Social Media 

5.1 Sharing contents using plugins (Facebook, Google+, Twitter & Co.)

It is compliant with data privacy to share the content of our pages in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+. In this regard, this site uses the eRecht24 Safe Sharing Tool. The eRecht24 tool does not automatically transfer user data to the operators of these platforms. In case a user is registered with one of the social networks, an information window will pop up when the social button of Facebook, Google+, Twitter & Co. is used, in which the user may confirm the text before sending it off. 

Our users may share the contents of this site in social networks in a manner that is compliant with data privacy and without the network operators creating entire surfing profiles.


5.2 Facebook plugins (Like & Share button)

Plugins of the social network Facebook, provider Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, are integrated in our sites. You can identify the Facebook plugins on our sites by the Facebook logo and the “Like” button.

An overview of the Facebook plugins can be found at:

When you visit our sites, your browser is directly linked to the Facebook server through the plugin. This is when Facebook receives the information that you visited our site with your IP address. When you click on Facebook’s “Like” button while you are logged onto your Facebook account, you may link contents of our sites to your Facebook profile. This is how Facebook can associate your visit of our sites with your user account. We refer to the fact that we, as provider of the pages, gather no knowledge about the content of the data transferred or how it will be used by Facebook.

Further information can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy at: In case you do not want Facebook to associate your visit of our sites with your Facebook user account, please log off your Facebook user account.

6. Analysis tools and advertisement 
6.1 Google Analytics

This website uses functions of Google Analytics’ web analytics service. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland („Google"). 
Google Analytics makes use of so-called “cookies.” These are text files which are stored to your computer, and which allow an analysis of your using the website. The information generated by cookies regarding your using of this website are typically transferred to and stored on Google’s server in the USA. 
The Google Analytics cookies shall be stored in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (f). The website operator has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user behaviour in order to optimise both its web offerings and marketing materials.

IP anonymisation 
We activated the IP anonymisation function on this website. This means that your IP address is abbreviated by Google within the member states of the European Union or other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before being transmitted to the USA. In exceptional cases only, the entire IP address shall be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google shall use this information to analyse your usage of the website, to draft reports about the website activities and to perform other services relating to the website usage and the usage of the Internet for the website operator. The IP address transmitted within the context of Google Analytics shall not be combined with any other data by Google.

Browser plugin 
You may prevent the storage of cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser software accordingly; however, we shall point out to you that  in that case - you may not be able to fully use all functions of this website. In addition, you may prevent the recording of data generated by the cookies and associated to your usage of the website (incl. your IP address) by Google and the processing of said data by Google in that you download and install the browser plugin available at the following link:

Objecting to the recording of data 
You may prevent the recording of your data by Google Analytics in that you click on the link below. An opt-out cookie is set which prevents your data from being recorded during one of your future visits to this site.
Google Analytics Opt-out. 
More information about Google Analytics’ handling of user data can be found in Google’s privacy policy:

Order data 
We signed a contract with Google for the processing of order data and fully implement the strict provisions of the German Data Protection Authorities when using Google Analytics.

Demographic characteristics by Google Analytics 
This website uses Google Analytics’ “demographic characteristics” function. This allows for reports comprising information on age, gender and interests of the website visitors. Said data originates from Google’s interest-related advertisement as well as from visitors’ data provided by third parties. Said data cannot be associated with a specific person. At any time, you may opt out of this function by adjusting the display settings in your Google account or generally prohibit the recording of your data by Google Analytics as described under the header “Objecting to the recording of data.”

6.2 Google AdSense
This website uses Google AdSense, a service to integrate Google Inc. advertisement. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland („Google"). 
Google AdSense uses so-called “cookies,” i.e. text files which are stored to your computer and which allow for an analysis of the website usage. Google AdSense also uses so-called web beacons (invisible graphics). These web beacons allow for an analysis of information such as visitor traffic on these pages. 
The information (including your IP address) generated by cookies and web beacons regarding the usage of this website and the delivery of advertisement formats are transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the USA. Said information may be transferred by Google to contractual partners of Google. However, Google shall not combine your IP address with other data stored about you. 
The AdSense cookies shall be stored in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (f). The website operator has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user behaviour in order to optimise both its web offerings and marketing materials. 
You may prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting the settings of your browser software accordingly; however, we shall point out to you that - in that case - you may not be able to fully use all functions of this website. By using this website you agree to the data collected about you being processed by Google in the manner and for the purpose described above.

6.3 Google Analytics Remarketing
Our website uses the Google Analytics’ Remarketing function in combination with the functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick, which are functions across any devices. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland („Google"). 
This function allows for the advertisement target groups created by Google Analytics Remarketing to be associated with the Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick functions across any devices. This is how interest-related and personalised advertisement contents which were customised to you based on your past usage and surfing behaviour on a terminal device (e.g. mobile telephone) to also be shown on another of your terminal devices (e.g. tablet or computer). 
Where you have given the respective consent, Google will connect your web and app browser history to your Google account for this purpose. This is how the same personalised marketing content may be advertised on all of your terminal devices on which you are logged in with your Google account. 
To support this function, Google Analytics records the Google-authenticated user ID, which is temporarily linked to our Google Analytics data in order to identify and create target groups for the display of advertisement across all devices. 
You may permanently object to the remarketing/targeting across all devices by opting out of the personalised advertisement in your Google account; to this end, follow the link below:
The combination of all recorded data in your Google account is subject to your consent that you may provide to Google or withdraw it, respectively (GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (a)). The data recording operations which are not pooled in your Google account (because, e.g., you do not have a Google account or objected to the combination of data) is based on the recording of data according to GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (f). The legitimate interest is based on the fact that the website operator has an interest in the anonymised analysis of its website visitors for marketing purposes. 
Further information as well as the data protection notice can be found in Google’s privacy policy at:

6.4 Google AdWords and Google Conversion-Tracking
This website uses Google AdWords. AdWords is an online advertisement programme of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland („Google"). 
In the context of Google AdWords, we make use of so-called conversion tracking. When you click on an advertisement provided by Google, a cookie will be set for conversion tracking. Cookies are small text files which the Internet browser stores to the user’s computer. These cookies loose their validity after 30 days and do not serve the purpose to personally identify the user. When the user visits certain pages of this website and the cookie is still valid, Google and we are able to see that the user clicked to this advertisement and was forwarded to this page. 
Each Google AdWords customer gets a different cookie. The cookies cannot be tracked through the websites of AdWords customers. Information generated by the aid of conversion cookies serve the purpose to create conversion statistics for AdWords customers who have chosen to implement conversion tracking. The customers will learn the total number of users who clicked on their advertisement and were forwarded to a page provided with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not obtain any information by which a user could be personally identified. In case you do not wish to participate in tracking, you may object to it by opting out of the Google conversion tracking cookie in the user settings of your Internet browser. Once you did that, you will no longer be in the conversion tracking statistics. 
The “conversion cookies” shall be stored in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (f). The website operator has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user behaviour in order to optimise both its web offerings and marketing materials. 
Further information on Google AdWords and Google Conversion Tracking can be found in Google’s privacy policy:  
You can set your browser in a way that you are informed about any cookies being placed and you may allow cookies only on a case-by-case basis, you may accept cookies in special situations or generally deny them or have all cookies automatically deleted when you close the browser. The functionality of this website might get impaired when cookies are disabled.

6.5 Google reCAPTCHA
We use “Google reCAPTCHA” (hereinafter “reCAPTCHA”) on our websites. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland („Google"). 
reCAPTCHA shall be used to evaluate whether data is entered on our websites (e.g. in contact forms) by a human being or by an automated programme. To this end, reCAPTCHA analyses the website visitor’s behaviour based on various characteristics. The analysis is automatically initiated once the website visitor enters the website. For the analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates different information (e.g. IP address, visitor’s time spent on the website and mouse movement of the user). The data recorded during the analysis is forwarded to Google. 
The reCAPTCHA analyses are completely carried out in the background. Website visitors are informed that an analysis is taking place. 
Data shall be processed in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (f). The website operator has a legitimate interest in protecting his web offerings against abusive automated spyware and against SPAM. 
Further information on Google reCAPTCHA as well as Google’s privacy policy can be found following the links below:

6.6 Siteimprove Analytics
This website uses Siteimprove Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Siteimprove. Siteimprove Analytics uses „cookies“, which are text files placed on your computer, to help usanalyze how visitors use the site. The information generated by the cookies about the visitors’ use of the website will be stored and processed by Siteimprove on servers in Denmark.

After Siteimprove's internal services have extracted from the IP addresses any information of interest for web analytics (e.g., organization and location; mainly to categorize groups of users), the IP addresses are fully anonymized before the collected data is viewable by us through Siteimprove Suite.

We will use this information to evaluate and report on the user behavior of our website visitors and ultimately to improve the website experience for our visitors.Siteimprove will not transmit this information to third parties or use it for any marketing or advertising purposes.


For more information about Siteimprove Analytics and Siteimprove A/S's privacy policy, please visit the following link:


These are the cookies used by Siteimprove on this website:


Cookie name: nmstat

Type: Persistent - expires after 1000 days

About: This cookie is used to help record visitors' use of the website. It is used to collect statistics about site usage such as when the visitor last visited the site. The cookie contains no personal information and is used only for web analytics.


Cookie name: siteimproveses

Type: Session cookie

About: This cookie is used purely to track the sequence of pages a visitor looks at during a visit to the site.


Cookie name: szcib

Cookie type: Persistent – expires after 400 days

About: This cookie is used to determine if the user has accepted or declined cookies. This is only set if the Siteimprove Cookie Info Banner solution is in use.


Cookie name: sz-feedback-should-hide

Cookie type: Session cookie

About: This cookie is used to hide/close a feedback widget for specific sessions (visits) on the Analytics Feedback feature. It is set when a user clicks a button in the feedback widget which indicates they don't wish to see the widget again. The cookie contains no personal information and is used only for web analytics. It simply contains the text 'true' when it is set.


Cookie name: _cfduid

Cookie type: Persistent cookie

About: The "__cfduid" cookie is set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic. It does not correspond to any user id in the web application, nor does the cookie store any personally identifiable information.



Cookie type: Session cookie

About: The AWSELB cookie ensures that all page views for the same visit (user session) are sent to the same endpoint. This enables us to determine the sequence of a user's page views needed for features like Behavior Tracking and Funnels.


By using this website, the visitor consents to the processing of data about him/her by Siteimprove in the manner and for the purposes set out above.


You can prevent the collection of your data by Siteimprove Analytics by refusing Siteimprove's cookies in our cookie bar or by clicking the following link. An Opt-Out-Cookie will be set that will prevent future collection of your data when visiting this website:

7. Plugins and tools 
7.1 YouTube

Our website uses plugins of the YouTube website operated by Google. The operator of the pages is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. 
When you visit one of our sites equipped with a YouTube plugin, a connection is made to the YouTube servers. This is when the YouTube server is informed of which of our sites you visited. 
When you are logged in to your YouTube account, you allow YouTube to directly associate your surfing behaviour with your personal profile. You may prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account. 
The use of YouTube is based on the interest to display our online offers in an appealing manner. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (f). 
Further information on how user data is handled can be found in YouTube’s privacy policy at:

7.2 Vimeo
Our website uses plugins of the Vimeo video portal. The provider is Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA. 
When you visit one of our sites equipped with a Vimeo plugin, a connection is made to the Vimeo servers. This is when the Vimeo server is informed of which of our sites you visited. Furthermore, Vimeo receives your IP address. This also applies even if you are not logged in to Vimeo or do not even have a Vimeo account. The information recorded by Vimeo is transmitted to the Vimeo server in the USA. 
When you are logged in to your Vimeo account, you allow Vimeo to directly associate your surfing behaviour with your personal profile. You may prevent this by logging out of your Vimeo account. 
Further information on how user data is handled can be found in Vimeo’s privacy policy at:

7.3 Google Web Fonts
For the sake of a uniform display of fonts, this website uses so-called web fonts provided by Google. When entering a page, your browser will load the required web fonts into your browser cache in order to correctly display texts and fonts. 
For this purpose, the browser you use needs to connect to the Google servers. By doing so, Google learns that your IP address entered our website. The use of Google Web Fonts is based on the interest to display our online offers in a uniform and appealing manner. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (f). 
In case your browser does not support Web Fonts, a font of your computer will be used. 
Further information on Google Web Fonts can be found at
as well as in Google’s privacy policy:

7.4 Google Maps
This page uses the Google Maps’ map service through an API. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland („Google"). 
To use the Google Maps functions it is necessary that your IP address is stored. Said information is typically transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The provider of this site has no control over said data processing. 
Google Maps is used in the interest of appealingly displaying our online offers and to make it easier to find the places identified on our website. This represents a legitimate interest according to GDPR, Art. 6, para. 1 (f). 
Further information on how user data is handled can be found in Google’s privacy policy at:

7.5 The “” service of fonts
This website uses “,” a service of fonts provided by Linotype GmbH (“”), Werner-Reimers-Strasse 2-4, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany („“). Every time this website is entered, files are downloaded from a “” server to display the texts in a specific font. During this operation, your IP address may be transmitted to a “” server and stored within the context of the customary web log.
The processing of said information is under the control of “;” the respective terms and setting options can be found in  the privacy policy of “”


8. Changes to this notice

This Data Privacy Notice was last updated in December 2020. We may possibly make changes to or amend this notice if required to reflect any changes to the way of processing data or changing legal requirements. So please check back from time to time or when you provide us with Personal Data if there have been any changes. Any amendments to the Data Privacy Notice will become effective from the date they are posted on our website. 

Ipar utca 1 
HU - 4800 Vásárosnamény 